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Hannah Holden

My practice is concerned with vulnerable ecosystems, and in particular marine environments. In my most recent work I have been looking at the phenomenon known as ghost fishing, which is where fishing gear such as nets are lost or abandoned, and continue to kill various marine organisms in an uncontrollable manner, in addition to polluting the seas in which they are discarded. I am interested in exploring this ecological issue through the drawings and sculptures of nets that are presented as intricate and abstract structures, in order to reflect the complexity of the situation and the way in which the occurrence of ghost fishing is an act which many of the general population aren’t familiar with. Appearing initially beautiful and delicate to the audience, my work in actual fact

represents something much darker, and which has a profound effect on marine and human populations alike. Through my creations I aim to raise awareness of this issue and encourage viewers to consider the consequences that certain actions -both local and global- have on the environment.


Drawing and Sculpture

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